Out of "UNITY AURUM GROUP” of companies M/s Unity Construction Company started functioning w.e.f 15/05/2011 under the proprietorship of Mr. Gaurav Kumar Gupta who took over the contract of Paramount Villas from the renowned player of industry “Paramount Group”. M/s Unity Construction Company completed 72 villas of the project and handed over them to Client well in time.

Thereafter the need of establishing M/s UACPL was felt necessary due to rapidly growing infrastructure Industries and also on our growing demand of quality work and timely handing over of the Project. Thus the group started functioning of M/s Unity Aurum Construction Pvt. Ltd, under the dynamic guidance of Mr. Suresh Chandra Gupta (CMD) and Mr. Gaurav Kumar Gupta (M.D) on 15/07/2013 and the company is still performing with flying colors.

Presently "UNITY AURUM GROUP” has added one more feather in his crown by starting it’s sister concern M/s SHIVAY UNITY AURUM DEVELOPERS PVT. LTD. during 2018 which will work as Real Estate Developer.

The group has acquired ISO registration from M/s EURO TECH for 9001 : 2015 to prove ourselves leader of the field in future. M/s UACPL is presently working in Pri-vate Sector and Government Sector. NBCC known as “NAVRATNA COMPANY of INDIA” has also registered us for participating in Tender process. State Government Irrigation Department also granted us “AA” class contractor registration where we are doing some petty works. The turnover of group in 2018-2019 was of 18 Crore. And the group’s projection of turnover in 2019-2020 will certainly be achieved for 25 Crore.


Our virtues of Speedy working with Quality product, Timely handing over of Pro-jects and commitment to Clients are also vital recognition elements for the "UNITY AURUM GROUP”.

Zero tolerance on wastage of Steel and Cement provided by Client at site always re-mains on our top agenda along with strictly following the client’s instruction. New in-novative ideas and use of new technological ways are adapted during the work which also earns saving on provided Steel and Cement. Attachment of Reconciliation Re-port of provided & consumed Steel and Cement with each of our running Bill is an-other factor affecting their minimum wastage.

Completion of Projects in time by "UNITY AURUM GROUP” is also equally im-portant factor for which we take care seriously since it saves client’s finances as well as avoiding nick-naming to client in the eyes of their customers.

It’s a fashion in our group that we use to handover the schedule of planning in ac-cordance with the Client’s Target within 15 days from the date of taking over any site from the client. We start executing work at site after getting green signal from the Client on our Schedule of Plan.

The performing culture of group is mainly on the base commitment to our clients. We never disappoint our clients for the expectations deserved from the group say promises committed by us to clients. Group’s honest basis working has also established a last longer relations with them which ultimately earning fame for the group. Customer’s entire satisfaction is our motto causing rightly to associate our logo with the slogan “A Committed Relationship”, which has created a forever, bond between us and our previous Clients who remains ready to give us their work. We owe them forever for their kindness.

Company’s Ideology towards members

“UNITY AURUM GROUP” appoints every of his fellow manpower deployed at site as family member of the Group but not as our worker or employee. This concept is the prime reason of our power and strength. This theory is the foundation on which “UNITY AURUM GROUP” is standing rigidly and firmly and thereby gaining momen-tum of progress day by day.

Company’s Ideology towards Safety and Security of every manpower working with us -

“UNITY AURUM GROUP” has fixed for the enrolment of each of his member either under ESI Act or under Medical Benefit Scheme from the date of entry and without this enrolment none of member could start working. Projects are also given the um-brella of Workmen Compensation Act and “CAR”(if required by our Client). We have plenty number of Local Private Hospitals on our panel.

“UNITY AURUM GROUP”has it’s own Ambulance Van which solves the mode of transportation for members in need from various sites. By the Grace of God, use of Van by any member has never happened.

Specific focus on timely compliances of different Government Acts like E.P.F, E.S.I, Labour Laws, G.S.T etc. is strictly ascertained by the administration of “UNITY AU-RUM GROUP”.

Use of safety gazettes by each of “UNITY AURUM GROUP”member and site worker is must and a Safety In-charge posted on each site is strictly adhered to watch the compliance minutely. He specifically ensures the fixing of Nets use of Safety ga-zettes. “Safety & Security Day” is celebrated on Monday of every week, awareness on safety by imparting education and installing/pasting “Safety & Security” posters & banners on different most sighted places of site is adapted. Mock Drill after every three months is in practice on every site of “UNITY AURUM GROUP”.

“UNITY AURUM GROUP”administration also uses to provide the dwelling place to its members at a place which is little bit away from the site and no child is allowed to enter the premises of site.

Company’s Ideology towards Nation & social responsibility-

“UNITY AURUM GROUP”arranges various social gathering programs on various oc-casions like Company’s Annual day, Vishwakarma Puja, Deepawali, Holi, Birth days of Members etc.

Winter & summer garments are also given to members along with economically help-ing the members when in need.

National integration programs such as Republic Day & Independence day etc. are also celebrated in “UNITY AURUM GROUP” to seed the feeling of love and honour towards our Nation. Daily National Anthem is also chanted daily in the morning at all the sites before start of daily working.

Mr. Suresh Chandra Gupta (CMD)

Mr. Gupta Chief Managing Director of the “UNITY AURUM GROUP”is most experienced entity of the company since he worked with so many giant names of the real-estate field for more than 35 years. He acts as the back bone of “UNITY AURUM GROUP” thus all his suggestions means a lot for the functioning of the company and group feel safe in his experi-enced hands. He is believer of good upkeep, and with his reliable team he attends any problem that may arise. He also ensures that our properties are kept in good order all the times.

Mr. Gaurav Kumar Gupta (M.D)

Mr. Gaurav, Managing Director, is founder of “UNITY AURUM GROUP” has specialization in Multi story and Commercial projects, he also possess a vast experience in the field as he worked with various construction groups during his civil engineering career, which portrays him as one of the powerful, dedicated and passionate member of “UNITY AURUM GROUP”.His hard, dedicated & passionate work brought the name of group on the lips of construction world in NCR during such short span of time. His principle, ideology and commitment towards his work strengthens the company from all around & these virtues also acts as the foundation of “UNITY AURUM GROUP”.

Mr. Nikhil Kumar Gupta (Director Finance)

Mr. Nikhil, Finance Director, having a vast experience in marketing and fi-nance field in NCR is handling the management of “UNITY AURUM GROUP”. He worked with many national and international institutions like HDFC, PNB etc. his such big experience established him one of the most finest financial player, thus his deep knowledge and involvement is strength-ening the group’s financial platform.

Mr. Nitin Tyagi (Director Projects)

Mr. Tyagi is an alumnus from Pilani with 15 years of experiencein commercial, non-commercial and multi-story projects. He acts as a shield of “UNITY AURUM GROUP”, his capabilities and dedication can easily be seen through his work. His leadership maintains a healthy ambiance in the company’s group which further adds effectiveness and prudency in execution of decision.

COMPANY INDT. NO. (CIN) U70102UP2013PTC058375
E.S.I REGISTRATION NO. 67000570730001000
EMAIL ADDRESSES: uacpl.2011@gmail.com & unityin-fratech@gmail.com
COMPANY WEB www.unityaurum.com
OFFICE PHONE & MOB. NOS +91-120-4276964